My Last Post

Yes, this will be my last post here. I am giving up OhYesTheyDid after 3+ wonderful years and moving in another direction. I am not giving up blogging entirely… after starting I can’t give it up. Blogging has been a great outlet for me during my recovery and I have made so many wonderful “Blog Friends” along the way…. friends I hope will follow me to my new Blog. I will get into that shortly.

OhYesTheyDid started off as a joint venture with Kim, my daughter, as most of you already know. But… life, having babies (my beautiful grandbabies), her career, and life in general meant that Kim just didn’t have the time to commit to the blog and it fell to me to do. Don’t get me wrong, I love to blog, I just started a pace that I couldn’t keep up with and became disappointed with myself when I couldn’t keep making and posting to keep up with said pace. Throw in 2020 and I stopped blogging all together. This is my year so far…

2020… where do I start lol??? It started with my beloved grandmother having a heart attack that she thankfully recovered from. That shook me to the core. I know that at 98 she has lived a full life, but selfishly, I am so not ready to see her go. She has been the ONLY person who has been there for me… no matter what.. my entire life and losing her will crush me. That was just early January. There were some other health issues that followed with 2 other family members. Then came the Pandemic. What can I say about the Pandemic? I can’t remember how much I posted regarding our family and the pandemic. My (very estranged) father contracted and died from Covid 19. Not only that but days before he tested positive, Kim ran into him in the doctor’s office. At that time, Kim was 7 months pregnant!!! She of course quarantined, as did her husband, for the required 14 days (some of the longest 14 days of our lives I tell you) to make sure she/they didn’t become symptomatic! Thankfully she didn’t!!!

I went through a breast cancer scare during the pandemic. I wasn’t even sure they would do that sort of testing while the hospitals were basically shut down for anything other than emergencies. Thankfully I was mistaken, I went for the required mammogram/ultrasound testing and was mostly cleared. That was a relief!

Then came time for Kim to deliver my beautiful grandson! That was scary in itself. Going to the hospital in the midst of a pandemic. Not knowing if Kim would have to go through it by herself. Because pretty much our whole country was on lock down, even from family, we had to figure out who would be her birthing coach… if they would even allow it. I ended up being the birthing coach (hard job, huh lol). One person was allowed. Once you were in the hospital you weren’t to leave. You had to wear a mask everywhere but in your room… even if it was just to go ask a question at the nurses station. A great rule but still kind of scary. All went well and Kim went home with the cutest baby boy ever, of course.

Let’s see…. what was next? Oh yes, my own Covid scare…. I had/have almost all of the symptoms of Covid. I called my doctor and went for the test (family too). Thankfully they came back negative. Only problem is… I still have the symptoms and I am still waiting for various test results to come back to find out what exactly is wrong with me. While I am thankful it isn’t Covid, especially considering how close it has hit home already…. things like kidney disease and lupus are being mentioned so I guess right now that is a wait and see situation for a not very patient patient!

In spite of all that, or maybe because of all of that lol… I have decided to try to start my own business. I want to make unique, funky, different,even pet friendly soaps… from home, sold online and locally. I thought I could make a new blog telling my story of this business venture from start to hopefully a successful launch, as well as how I am going to make, package, advertise, market and everything else to do with the selling of the products I make. Maybe I will get some pointers, maybe I will get criticism, maybe I might even get a few comments. The point for me is that maybe I will reconnect with some of my previous blogging friends and make some new ones!

In closing… while this is my last blog post at OhYesTheyDid, I am not stopping blogging altogether… I will be launching the new blog,, in the coming days, and really hope everyone will come pay a visit and maybe follow me on this new venture. I will really miss everyone if you don’t.

There have been so many people that have been so supportive and become friends from afar that I would miss terribly if this is our last contact. Just writing this made me cry… a sure sign that my blogging journey is far from over!

Thank you so much to everyone who followed us on OhYesTheyDid, you made my introduction to blogging one of the best things I have ever done and I can’t picture my life moving forward without some form of blogging in it!

Love, Sandie

10 thoughts on “My Last Post

  1. What a crazy year this has been! I’m glad you don’t have Covid, but I hope you can get some answers soon so you can start feeling better.
    I wish you all the best with your business!!
    I followed your new blog so I’ll see you over there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Michelle ❤. It has been a crazy year so far, but I hope that maybe this can be the turning point for everyone… family, friends and the world in general!
      Thank you for following my new blog already! 💓💓💓

      Liked by 1 person

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